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What Are People Saying About ShrinkTone™

"I just feel so much better! More energy and just the feeling of accomplishing something. Sticking with the program the whole 7 weeks. Never done anything like this in my life."

"I’m so thankful for ShrinkTone and specifically Trish. She is such a GREAT motivator. I’ve lost 22 lbs. 


She cheered me on and encouraged me to get out there and walk. All of her advice and tips are extremely helpful. 

I feel GREAT! I highly recommend ShrinkTone! 

Join today and get walking!!!" 

"I don’t know if you know it, but before this I tried weight loss shots. I didn’t lose a pound, I was on it for about 5 months. So glad it didn’t work because we found something that is a forever thing!"

"What a difference this has made in my life! I even have started helping my family members be healthier with me!"

"Just finished my first week and I already feel 1000% better!"

"Trish gives such clear and concise teaching in ShrinkTone that it makes the weight loss process so much easier to understand!"


So start at the beginning: Purchase our ShrinkTone™ process to get access to our entire process and community! We want to give you hope! We know that weight loss can be confusing… but that’s what makes ShrinkTone different… we cut through all the confusion with easy to understand, honest information that will actually work to help you lose weight. 

We are excited to go on this journey with you! Let’s GOOOO!

Our ShrinkTone course is a 7 week process, teaching you the habits of permanent weight loss.  This is long enough to change a habit, but not so long that you can’t see the end.

Absolutely! Our cofounder is a registered nurse and completely understands the devastating affects that obesity can have on one’s health. This is one of the reasons that ShrinkTone was formed – to promote a healthy lifestyle by getting your weight under control! We encourage you to consult with your doctor prior to starting any diet or exercise program.

Absolutely NOT!  We have had great success helping people of all ages lose weight.  And our co-founder lost her weight using this exact method AFTER she was in menopause! So do NOT believed the lie that you are “too old” to lose weight!

You will need walking shoes, a scale (body weight), and a food scale. That is it! We dispel the myths that you need fancy equipment or expensive gym memberships in order to lose weight!

FAST! Our proven system will help you shed weight in the quickest and simplest way possible with our ALL NATURAL approach to weight loss. And while results will vary depending upon your effort level, you will be amazed at how quickly the pounds will drop.  With ShrinkTone, we specifically target BELLY FAT.  Most of our clients see a significant decrease in that stubborn fat around the midsection when following the ShrinkTone process!

Just click the link below to join the ShrinkTone Family. With NO upsells or subscriptions, NO pills or magic lotions our course is designed to work with your body to naturally lose weight and get you to your dream goal…and then your DONE! Imagine that, never having to “lose weight” again! 

So let’s get started making a better YOU!

Click Here

We never tell anyone how much weight to lose… but we provide a process to get you to whatever size and shape you want to be! The ShrinkTone process is designed to help people permanently lose weight! Imagine never having to lose THAT 20 pounds ever again!!

Not at all. We utilize a calorie controlled plan that does not exclude any macronutrients. When you were eating the correct foods; nutritious foods that nourish your body, and in the correct calorie amount, your body will love you!

No not at all!  If you can walk, we can help you lose weight. 


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Sustainable Weight Loss

Made For You

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